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Cecco Bonanotte was born in Porto Recanati, in Marche (Italy).
Moved to Rome to attend the Academy of Fine Arts.
He was awarded an international scholarship at the Institute of Plastic Arts in Bucarest to study the work of Constantin Brancusi and a scholarship of Architecture and Decorative Art in Brussels.
He held his first one-man show at the Galleria Schneider in Piazza di Spagna in Rome.
For the Michelangelo celebrations, he made the Sculpture in Different Materials which would later be placed in the Michelangelo birth house-museum in Caprese Michelangelo (Tuscany).
He represented Italian contemporary art at the Italian Pavillion for the Ocean expo Okinawa with his workFlight Waiting 1975. Afterwards, Flight Awaiting was given a permanent home in the Italian Embassy in Tokyo. For the celebration of the Holy Year 1975 he sculptured Casket for the documents marking the closing of the Holy Door in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the walls and the Votive Lamp, later placed in the Catacombs of St. Callixtus, in commemoration of the Holy year 1975.
Bonanotte’s sculpture, Travels of St. Paul was donated by the Pontiff John Paul II to the United Nations and placed at UN regional headquarters in Nairobi (Kenya).
The Medicea Academy of Florence awarded him with the prize “Lorenzo il Magnifico” for figurative art.
The Italian Parliament  donated his large circular sculpture Colloquium to the New Parliament House in Canberra to mark the Bicentenary of Australia.
He designed the Nakatami Memorial Medicine Museum at Tosu-Saga in Japan.
Japan Institute of Architecture and Construction Science awarded him the special Prize for “Architecture and Environment” for his design of the Nakatomi Memorial Medicine Museum.
The Vatican Museums commissioned him to design a new Portal of Vatican Museums to mark the Great Jubilee of the year 2000.
The Pontiff John Paul II inaugurated the new entrance to the Vatican Museums.
The sculpture Awaiting Ascension donated by the Senate of the Italian Republic to John Paul II in occasion of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 was placed in the Gardens if the Vatican Museums.

He created the Door of the new Apostolic Nunciature in Berlin, Germany.
The twelve Pontiffs of the back-side of the New Entrance of the Vatican Museums and the sculpture Awaiting in Hope were exhibited in the United States in a travelling show, Saint Peter and the Vatican at Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas; Fort Lauderdace Museum of Art, Florida; Cincinnati Museum Center, Ohio and San Diego Museum of Art, California.

Santa Croce Church, the Uffizi Gallery and the Vatican Museumss presented the exhibition of 103 Tables on mixed media on paper, dedicated to the Divine Comedy in the Pazzi’s Chapel.

The polymaterial relief The Theatre of Life is installed in the garden of the Cloister of Santa Croce Church.
The sculpture Confrontation, exhibited during 1997-1998 in a travelling exhibition around five Japanese museums, is installed in the National Museum of Art in Osaka.

One-man show at the Hiro Gallery in Tokyo.

For the Conclave in the Sistine Chapel, he sculptured 3 Urns (ballot boxes) to cast ballots for the election of the new Pontiff.

103 Tables, dedicated to the Divine Comedy, are acquired by the Gallery of Uffizi, are exposed for the one-man show in the Cabinet of Drawing and Printing.

For the Senate of the French Republic he sculptured a Bronze Portal of the Museé de Luxembourg in Paris.
The Bronze Portal for the Senate of the French Republic is installed in the Museé du Luxembourg in Paris.
One-man show Divine Comedy are acquired by Dante Alighieri was held at Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo.
One-man show at the Hiro Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo.

Designed the Church of the Apostolic Nunciature in Tokyo. Also made sculptures and paintings installed there.
Made the Portal for the Church of the Apostolic Nunciature in Japan.

Made and installed the sculptures in the baptistery of Santa Croce Church in Vinci, in Tuscany, Italy. The sculptures surround the historic baptismal font that Leonardo da Vinci was baptized in, and reprent The Apocalypse and 9 stories of salvation in the Bible.
Created and installed the works in Sacra Famiglia (Osaka Umeda Catholic Church) which his son, architect Pier Paolo Maria Bonanotte, designed.

One-man show was held at Leonardo Museum in Vinci.
Awarded the 24th Praemium Imperiale for Sculputure.